Category: Christian Artists

Is Art Your Calling

Have you ever felt completely inadequate in terms of talent and ability? I have—often!I've longed for ability I knew I desperately needed! I've wondered repeatedly if there was any hope for artists with few skills, like me. I was inspired by the work of others, awed by their talent and hopelessly clumsy when it came …

Bible-based art therapy

7 Facts About Biblical Art Therapy You do not have to be an expert artist to benefit. Words from the Bible combined with art are a powerful duo for healing and growth. God will speak to you in the process. Blessing is guaranteed, if you don't quit. Time spent in Biblical Art Therapy is time …

how to keep a devotional journal

Why take a course on keeping a journal? What could you learn about something you've perhaps done since when you were a kid? Far more than you can imagine, if you've never explored or understood the concept of time taught in the Bible! As a Christian Artist, engaging in the practice of journal writing is one …