Category: Prayer Room

Photo of communion elements - wine in a silver cup and bread for Resurrection Sunday Holy Week Post

How are you feeling about Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, even Easter this year? In a day and age that is so saturated with media, advertisements, and high profile events, have you paused a moment to consider how your heart is doing? When we do not pause in our lives to be present to the Lord, …

What should I put in my prayer closet design

When you setup your prayer closet you want to make sure you keep what you need for praying and spending time with God in there so you don't have to spend time setting it up every time you go in to pray. Yes, that means, you should have more than one of most of the …

prayer closet ideas

If you are finding it difficult to spend time in prayer as you desire -- maybe you don't want to wake your spouse, maybe you have children that interrupt you each time you get ready to pray or maybe you find yourself rushing into your day -- this is not unusual. Many Christians who want …