Blog By Number is everything you need to grow a successful blog.
Course Creator, Suzi, started blogging because she craved an outlet for her creative energy, needed adult interaction and wanted to help contribute to the family finances.
She grew her blog from $0 to over $20,000 per month in just over a year (while raising her little ones and keeping the house decently clean). In Blog By Number Suzi say, she will teach you how to follow her process and change your life too!
Suzi has helped over 94,000+ students start and grow their blogs.

Here’s What You’ll Get:
- 65+ Video Tutorials to Help You Step by Step Build your blog and write your first post
- Launch your blog successfully
- Learn how to get visitors
- Discover how to make money from day 1
- Over 50 pre-made website templates to choose from!
- 500 free stock images, 8,000+ blog post ideas, a whole wagon of bonuses to make your life easier!
- A complete workbook and the Blog by Number ebook
About Your Presenter
Suzi is an engineer turned stay at home mom to three little ones (baby boy is not in the picture)! She’s been creating websites since 2009. What started as a little hobby blog turned into a life changing decision.
She never knew creating her own products online could be so powerful. She even retired her husband from his 9-5 corporate job with her online business. And she can’t wait to help you too!